Development Tools: R, SQL, Excel, Google Sheets, Tableau, ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3

Technologies: Github, MySQL WorkBench, MongoDB Compass

Welcome to my page! I'm a Data Analyst and Full-Stack Stack Web Developer located in Southern California. Feel free to browse some of my most recent projects on the left. One of the reasons that I pursued this career path is that one of my passions is telling stories: coming from a Statistics background, handling and analyzing data always meant there was a story to be told in graphs, in presentations, and in reports. In the full stack development world, the storytelling process lives through the application being pushed out for the world to see, to learn from, and to engage with. I'm always learning how I can be a better programmer and trying to stay updated with the latest technologies. If I'm not programming, I'm usually rock climbing, trying new foods, or thinking of board game ideas!

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