Description: A Google Certification CAPSTONE case study on the Cyclistic Company bike user data. Cyclistic's business task was to attract customers who use their bike-share fleet to become members. Identifying key factors and variables through data cleaning and wrangling allowed for insightable business suggestions. Visualizations allowed for short summaries of the findings.
Skills Used: R, Data Analysis, Data Wrangling and Cleaning, Tidyverse, ggplot2, RMarkdown
Description: An aquarium builder with a personalized aquarium and with a searchable database. A user can signup with a unique username and email and save their searched fish into their aquarium while learning more about the fish and how to properly keep it. I was in charge of PassportJS authentication, some Front End React Components and Routing and Backend Express Server Routing.
Skills Used: ReactJS, ExpressJS, PassportJS, MongoDB, MongooseJS, Materialize CSS, Axios
Description: A personalized news feed built for mobile. A user can signup with a unique username and email and search for related articles or videos or choose to read from the daily news dynamically loaded from a News API. I was in charge of creating the API calls and routes.
Skills Used: JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bulma CSS, Google Firebase